Sudo Privilege

If using a modern OS installer when installing the OS, you shall be grated sudo privilege automatically.

If not, you can log in as a root user, and manually grant sudo access to a normal user.

$ su -  # login as root user. Enter root password
$ visudo  # this will open /etc/sudoer in vi
$ nano /etc/sudoers  # same as visudo, but open in nano

Enter this line into /etc/sudoers

<username> ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

You need to remember the root user to follow this procedure. If you do not know the root user password, try this. Otherwise, the only option left is restalling the OS.

NOTE: This procedure is only for a personal OS, and is a bad practise in general. If you are a system manager, you shall set the user groups with appropriate privileges and organise users into proper groups.

Linux, Unix?